So here we go, my first post on this blog. I don’t consider myself a major blogger; in fact, it seems like most blogs get started and then a year later you are like, “Whoa I forgot to post something.” I decided since I had the ability to use this blog that I would take advantage of it. Mainly because there are moments in my life where I get a brief moment of wisdom. Okay maybe not wisdom, maybe it’s more like enlightenment? Either way you get the point, from time to time my creative juices start to flow.
My role here at THRIVE is the youth pastor and I love being a part of this ministry. My wife, Fawn and I have been a part of THRIVE for over 7 years now. Hard to believe it has been that long. We have seen a lot of things take place here and have met a lot of great young people along the way. Even those who have gone to college or are no longer teenagers we still think about them. However, my rock and support in this ministry is my wife, and she means everything to me. Now she would probably say that without her this ministry would lack the funny appeal and I probably would agree with her on that one. Kidding aside though, we both love what we do and even though things can be difficult and sometimes we might even think that nothing is being accomplished, we know that is a lie from the enemy. Sometimes that can sound cliché, but I believe that with everything in me. I also believe that God has a plan for each of our lives and the choices we make can lead us closer or farther away from His plan. This isn’t a plan that He is forcing on us, but one that He gives us a choice with. In the end, His plan is always better than anything we could ever choose. That is why I continue to motivate myself about our youth ministry because I know He has us here for a reason. Later I may talk a little more about how I decided to be involved in youth ministry, but for now I just want you to know that we are in this until God tells us otherwise. I hope this page can just become a source of information of what is going on at THRIVE, maybe for those that are not on social media, and also just a place to express some of my thoughts. Appreciate all of you who support me on a daily basis and I hope I can continue to build some great relationships with more of you. Youth Pastor - Ryan
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Youth Pastor at People's Church in Arnold, MO.
January 2023