How many of you could say that you are able to get through one entire day without some type of problem? It’s pretty hard to say that because life in general brings its challenges.
Even though a lot of us have our share of difficulties in life, do you feel like you are the type of person that wants to stay positive? Let me be a little bit more honest (straight up and to the point) with you. There are two kinds of people in my opinion, those who work to stay positive and those who complain all the time. Don’t get me wrong, I fall into the second category way too often, and I have to work hard to stay positive. The other day I lost a very special gift that my wife bought me. It was just a simple shirt, but one that I really liked. When I realized I had lost it for good, I was angry and complained that night and the whole next day. It didn’t help me find it, and it sure didn’t make me feel any better. The crazy part is I had a really great day before that, but one little T-shirt set me off and made me go to bed upset. The point is, many of us will complain about every little thing in life, but we never take steps to improve our situation. It’s almost like we want the people around us to know how hard we really have it. Sometimes they can’t do much for us, but we feel the need to keep them in the know. People who do not broadcast their problems will get through this life a whole lot easier. Instead of telling everyone about their problems, they pray and go to God first. Rather than posting it all over social media, they confide with their close friends. Most importantly, they trust God to take care of them. People are more inclined to help or be there for you when they know you are sincere and really struggling. If a person always sees you complaining, how will they know that you are not just a negative person all the time? At some point, your friends will get tired of hearing you and will distance themselves. We spend too much time in the day complaining about things that sometimes we have no control over, and the only person that can help us get through each day is God. The Apostle Paul challenged the church in Philippi, with these words. Philippians 2:14-15 NLT 14 Do everything without complaining and arguing, 15 so that no one can criticize you. Live clean, innocent lives as children of God, shining like bright lights in a world full of crooked and perverse people. Let’s stop complaining about things we’ve been complaining about for a very long time. Let’s be the people that God has called us to be. Be that encouraging person to someone. Stay positive during the hard times and notice how your life will influence others to do the same.
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Youth Pastor at People's Church in Arnold, MO.
January 2023