So a while back I stumbled across a video that went viral last year with over 3 million views. How I missed it I’m not sure, but I thought the timing of when I watched it was pretty amazing.
As many of you know, my wife is pregnant with our second child. My daughter, Madelyn, is my little princess and describing her would be difficult because she is the daughter I always wanted and asked God for. The day we found out we are going to have a baby boy was the same day that I saw this viral video. Finding out that we are having a boy was great news to both of us. Fawn and I are very thankful to God and know that this is a gift from Him. After you watch this video, you will understand why I am writing this, but I want to encourage you today that no matter where you are at right now in your life, God loves you.
This was a Father's Day video from comedian Michael Jr. If you have not heard of him, you should check him out. He is hilarious.
You may be going through the most difficult circumstance of your life. He still loves you, and He has not forgotten you. You may be thinking that there is no hope, no answers, no purpose to your life, but I am telling you today that JESUS is your answer. It’s time to stop wondering how your life is going to turn out and open your eyes to see God. See Him in a way you have never seen Him before.
You may not be a parent, but there is no greater feeling then when I tell my daughter that I love her, and at the age of two she responds, “I love you too, Daddy.” Family is the most important thing that we have here on this earth. I cherish the times that I have with my wife and daughter. I want what is best for them, and I believe that what is best for them is for me to be a husband and father that listens to His Heavenly Father say, “I love you, Ryan.” When I truly believe that God loves me and that He wants to take care of me, it changes my outlook on everything. I begin to learn how to treat my family better, my friends, and anyone I meet. I begin to understand that difficulties are going to come my way, and I have to daily trust God. It’s not always easy, but it is how we were meant to live this life. You may not have the best relationship with your family, and maybe it’s hard to look at the image of God as a loving Father, but I believe we can put things in our past behind and be the difference makers. We may not forget what difficult things have happened in our past, but we can use those things as stepping-stones to reach the people around us. So you see, the value of LIFE is all around us, and when we begin to see that value, it changes our perspective. I am looking forward to that moment where I can hold and talk to my new baby boy, Neal Ryan Brooks. I want to be able to tell him that I love him so that when he opens his eyes, he sees a dad with open arms ready to take care of him, from that moment on with no strings attached. Pastor Ryan
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Youth Pastor at People's Church in Arnold, MO.
January 2023